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[BASE] About regular flights

About skipping, canceling, and including a measuring spoon

Please contact us using the form below.

■ In the phone number field, be sure to enter a phone number that can be reached.
■It may take time to answer.Please note that we will respond in order.
 If you do not receive a reply from us within 3 business days, please contact us again.
■Reply emails are sent using email addresses in the format of "info@gudi.co.jp" and "noreply@thebase.in", so emails from domains of "gudi.co.jp" and "thebase.in" Please make settings so that you can receive
■We will inform you of the cancellation of the regular service and the completion of the skip procedure from the "noreply@thebase.in" email address.
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* 1 break per 1 contact.
Please select a product.
Name  ※Required
Example: Taro Yamada
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Note) Only single-byte alphanumeric characters
Subscription ID  ※Required
(Half-width alphanumeric characters)
Please enter the 16-digit number starting with "S" that is written in the email from [GUDi Official Online Store].Subscription ID : SB000D11111D2A33
Inquiry details  ※Required
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